Developmental Editing
When you need help strengthening a draft and telling a story.
Developmental editing is the first level of manuscript editing, where your attention is on the shape and content of your story, and should be completed before you consider submitting a project to a journal, book editor, or publisher. At this level, you’re addressing the very foundation of your manuscript and the ideas it presents. Your developmental editor is here to give you constructive feedback as you revise.
Developmental Editing services
Typical projects
Manuscript Assessment
Full Developmental Edit
Book Proposal Evaluation
Job Application Document Evaluation
Sample Developmental Edits
Most of our developmental editing projects include a report. See this sample report for a manuscript assessment performed on a journal article.
This sample book proposal evaluation report shows what our editors will focus on when reviewing your pitch to presses.
For full developmental editing projects, book proposal evaluations, and job application evaluations, we also include tracked changes on your draft. This sample shows the type of tracked changes and comments you can expect during a full developmental edit.
Note that these samples have been redacted for anonymity.

1. Sample Book Proposal Report
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2. Sample Full Developmental Edit
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3. Sample Manuscript Assessment Report
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Editorial Portfolio
Our PortfolioAlissa de Wit-Paul

Alise Tifentale

Ellie Phillips

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