Line Editing

When you need to improve your writing style to connect to readers.

Line editing is used to improve the art and style of your writing so that your writing is effective and engaging for your target audience. Line editors address issues with writing at the sentence level, going line by line to ensure that your text is tight and clear. This service is often the most helpful for authors who struggle to write in a way that engages readers or who need assistance in implementing major revisions.

  • Line editors can help you with:

  • Improving word choice

    Improving word choice so that each word conveys maximal meaning

  • Correcting sentence structure

    Correcting the syntax of sentences so that they flow easily and naturally, as a primary-language English author might write

  • Improving logical flow

    Improving the overall pacing and logical flow of a piece

  • Using the right tone and voice

    Ensuring that you’re using the right tone and voice for the type of publication you’re aiming for

  • Addressing transitions

    Addressing transitions between paragraphs and sentences

  • Cutting down word count

    Dramatically pruning/cutting down word count at the paragraph and sentence level

  • “Smoothing” rough translations

    “Smoothing” rough translations to English from another language or texts translated using software (e.g., Google Translate, DeepL)

Line editing services


Sample Line Edits

Line editing involves heavy editing to your text, including tracked changes and comments.


In this sample blog post, our editor provided feedback on the content and structure so the author could engage a wider audience.


In this academic essay, the editor was tasked with smoothing the language to connect with scholarly readers.


The editor of this sample edit on an academic essay was required to dramatically reduce the word count.

  1. 1. Sample Line Edit Blog

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  2. 2. Sample Line Edit General Academic

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  3. 3. Sample Line Edit Word Count

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Editorial Portfolio

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