
When you need an index for your book to make the content more accessible to readers.

Often occurring simultaneously to proofreading, indexing typically takes place on a publisher’s page proofs or the final Word document that’s already gone through review and copyediting. At this stage, you need a professional indexer to create a guide to the book’s contents so that readers can find important information as quickly and easily as possible.

  • Indexers can help you with:

  • Comprehensive final read

    A comprehensive final read of the book’s body text (and any other text the publisher wants indexed)

  • Creating alphabetical lists

    Create an alphabetical list of names, places, events, and subjects; direct the reader to important themes; and cross-reference related entries so that readers can reference them using locators (page numbers) in the book’s text

  • List of errata

    Compile a list of errata found during the indexing process

Indexing services


Sample Indexing Memo

All indexes are unique to the publication, and a sample edit is therefore not possible.


See this indexing memo to see the type of feedback the indexer will provide upon completing a project.

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