Businesses & Nonprofits
Fast and scalable editorial services for industry leaders across all sectors.

You have the vision. We can help you craft the language to connect to your audience. At Flatpage, we work with businesses and nonprofits across all sectors.
The businesses we work with, from startups to multinational corporations, typically need high-quality editing and localization for their internal and external communications on an ongoing basis, with a quick turnaround and scalability. These companies need to process a high volume of texts written by technical or marketing experts, from handbooks for onboarding FTEs to social media assets, that draw clients to new products. Fast.
Nonprofits, including philanthropies, think tanks, and NGOs, on the other hand, usually need editing for their marketing content and publications, which are intended to connect their mission with external audiences. Their texts tend to be written by specialists, educational staff, or marketing teams and may have multiple authors, requiring editors who can help with tone and consistency.
Whether you’re in the early phases of crafting your marketing content or you already have an established style and need help with scalability, we have the tools and the personnel to assist. The editors at Flatpage have specialized training and years of experience working in the business and nonprofit sectors. We can help you catch grammatical errors, correct language usage, and advise on how to best reach your intended readers.
The services below are tailored toward the needs of businesses and nonprofits; for all other services, refer to our editorial overview.
Line editing
Also called “content editing,” line editing is used to address the style of your writing so that your content has maximal impact and flair. Our line editors are experts at the craft of writing and can help you maintain a consistent tone, improve word choice, write clear sentences in native US or UK English, and adapt your writing to your target audience.
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The most basic editorial service, copyediting involves a rinse of your text, with attention to grammar, punctuation, and mechanics (i.e., conforming it to house style or manual like AP or the Chicago Manual of Style). Whether you’re a novice or experienced writer, this service will ensure that you deliver clean copy that’s fit to go to design or be distributed.
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Reserved for the final stage in the publication process, proofreading is is used to catch minor typos and consistency issues between manuscript sections on page proofs or design assets. By the time you are ready for a proofread, your text should have already gone through a content edit and a copyedit. This service will ensure that your text is publication-ready.
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Take your vision to the next level.
Minimum project budget $100. We also offer customized packages tailored to your needs and ongoing support on an hourly basis. Contact us at
Line Editing
Editorial Portfolio
Our PortfolioBloomberg Philanthropies, Bloomberg Connects App

NYU School of Law, Open Global Rights (OGR)

NYU School of Law, More than Human Rights book

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