Flatpage Unveils 2024 Publishing Program: Open Call for Compelling Nonfiction Book Proposals

We are currently commissioning compelling books that explore how the insights gained from research can be applied to effect positive change, challenge conventional thinking, and encourage innovative approaches.

Flatpage, already a distinguished editorial agency, is thrilled to announce the launch of its 2024 publishing program, inviting authors to submit proposals for engaging nonfiction books aimed at a broad readership. The upcoming program marks Flatpage’s expansion into full-scale publishing, complementing but independent from its renowned editorial services. 

Simultaneously, the publishing house introduces its inaugural book, The Art of Academic Editing: A Guide for Authors and Editors, signaling the dawn of its venture into publishing endeavors.

Cultivating Ideas that Resonate:

Flatpage seeks thought-provoking manuscripts that translate research insights into compelling narratives, fostering positive change, challenging norms, and inspiring innovative perspectives. The program specializes in assisting academics in reaching wider audiences, amplifying the impact of their ideas, and collaborating with journalists to explore long-form storytelling.

Exploring Diverse Subjects:

Authors are invited to submit proposals for manuscripts spanning the visual arts, humanities, and social sciences. Flatpage seeks works of cultural, social, or political significance, offering fresh perspectives and critical evaluations of contemporary subjects. The publishing house aims to transform complex research into accessible narratives tailored to a diverse readership.

Unique Publishing Experience with Flatpage:

Flatpage offers a unique publishing experience, providing tailored editorial services aligned with authors’ needs. With an in-house team comprising seasoned editors, former academics, and journalists, the publishing house ensures 1:1 attention and a streamlined process—typically resulting in publication within a few months of content finalization. Editorial support, available for a fee in addition to complimentary copyediting and proofreading, includes comprehensive assistance, such as coaching, developmental editing, and line editing, making Flatpage distinct from traditional scholarly presses.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Proposals should demonstrate effective communication of research to a general audience or outline plans for collaboration with the editorial team to achieve this goal.
  • Manuscripts ranging from 50,000 to 80,000 words are encouraged for in-depth exploration of subjects.
  • Submissions can include completed manuscripts, partial drafts, or proposals for unwritten works. Sample chapters may be requested as needed.

What We Require in Your Proposal:

Book Summary: A concise overview encapsulating the main theme, objectives, and anticipated impact (maximum two pages).

Table of Contents and Chapter Summaries: An outline of the book’s structure, including brief chapter summaries and necessary supplementary materials.

Author’s Biography: A brief narrative detailing academic background, journalistic experience, expertise, and achievements.

Target Audience(s) and Market: Identification and description of potential readership and market reach.

Comparison with Similar Titles: Analysis of existing or upcoming books related to the proposal, highlighting its unique value.

Writing Schedule and Timeline: A proposed timeline indicating intended writing and production schedule.

How to Submit:

For inquiries and proposal submissions, please contact David Hariri at publishing@flatpage.com. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Join Us in Bridging Knowledge Gaps:

Flatpage invites authors to collaborate in disseminating knowledge, bridging the divide between specialized expertise and public understanding. Together, let’s craft contributions into engaging, transformative, and accessible books that enrich diverse readers’ lives.

For more information about Flatpage and the submission process, visit Flatpage’s publishing page.

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