Ready to work with our team of experienced editors, coaches?

We’re ready for you! Just let us know a bit more about your project first.

Whether you’re a new or returning client, you can tell us more about a specific project by filling out our Project Intake Form below. This will give us all the info we need to match you with an editor and set up a contract.

You’re welcome to fill out the form as far in advance as you like; the earlier we know about the project, the better for our planning purposes. However, we also take last-minute projects.

If you don’t have a specific project in mind, or if you want coaching/consulting, you can email us at and we will respond with a rate quote and schedule. (Note: most of our rates can be found on our website, including for manuscript editing.)

We are based in the US on Eastern time and Central European time.

More questions about a large or ongoing project? Let’s chat! Click here to set up a free 20-minute project consultation call with our chief editor. 

Try before you buy it!

We will give you a free one-page sample copyedit or line edit before you sign with us! Just provide us with more details and upload a Word document using the form below. For documents over 10 pages (2,500 words) only.

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Project Intake Form

Project Information

Anything particular that you would like us to know about your manuscript before we begin editing?

Payment & Processing

Are you based in the European Union (EU) or will you be paying through an organization based in the EU?
Will this project require us to fill out paperwork with your organization or university for payment
If you answer yes to this question, please put us in touch with your business office as soon as possible to ensure that your schedule can be met.
Not sure if you want to move ahead with your project at this time? We provide sample line or copy edits.
by checking you confirm that the provided manuscript is more than 2,500 words (~10 pages double-spaced).