Meet our team.

Welcome to the team at Flatpage, where you’ll find a dedicated group of individuals who are committed to helping you publish.

Below you’ll find a list of the nonfiction editors who currently work with us. Vetted by our chief editor, these professionals are all first-language English speakers who hold advanced degrees and have academic training from the top universities in the US and UK.

All of our editors have technical certificates from reputable editorial programs, years’ professional experience, and long publishing records of their own.

Cofounder, Chief Operating Officer

PhD, Art History,
Graduate Center, CUNY

Cara M. Jordan is the cofounder and COO at Flatpage, where she oversees daily operations and our team of editors.

Before cofounding Flatpage, she worked as a freelance editor: first for artists and later for academics. As an editor, she preferred working on academic articles and book manuscripts, although she also regularly helped artists with their statements and exhibition catalogues. While her own art historical research was on contemporary and socially engaged art, she has worked on manuscripts from all periods and a variety of cultures. She has a certificate in editing from UCSD, where she is currently an instructor, and is a Professional Member of Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), and a full member of Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) and ACES, as well as the Society for Scholarly Publishing. Cara has also traveled widely and speaks both French and German.

  1. Typical projects

    Academic journal articles or book chapters, General nonfiction essays or other short writings, Artists’ writing and statements

  2. Subjects

    Art history, History, History of medicine, Literature, Theatre & performance, Film

  3. Style

    I am a diligent project manager and a detail-oriented copyeditor with an eye toward efficient dialogue and project completion. I want to help you get your manuscript out into the world!

Eli Bortz

Acquisitions Editor MA, Journalism History, University of Florida
MA, Journalism History, University of Florida

Eli is a professional book editor with over two decades experience in scholarly publishing, most recently as editor in chief of the University of Notre Dame Press from 2018 to 2022. His expansion of Latin American studies at Notre Dame Press was recognized in the academic journal Hispanic Review (Autumn 2022), and one of his acquisitions was awarded the American Anthropological Association’s Margaret Mead Award (for best book by a young scholar in the previous year) in 2021. Before his tenure as editor in chief at Notre Dame Press, Eli was senior acquisitions editor from 2016 to 2018. He was also acquisitions editor for Vanderbilt University Press from 2008 to 2016, and acquisitions editor at the University Press of Florida from 2006 to 2008. He received his MA in journalism history from the University of Florida in 2005. Eli and his family live in South Bend, Indiana.

Jen Liston

Bloomberg Connects Editorial Manager (US) PhD, Art History, UCLA
PhD, Art History, UCLA

Jen is a former associate professor of art history. She earned her MA and PhD from UCLA in Italian Renaissance art history with additional concentrations in ancient art and museum studies. She has a copyediting certificate from the University of California, San Diego, and is a member of ACES and the EFA.

Typical projects

Academic journal articles or book chapters, graduate student dissertations, academic job applications


Art history, humanities, cultural studies, history, anthropology, gender studies


As a copyeditor, I see myself as an encouraging member of your team. My job is to fine tune a document in terms of grammar and style rules, but I will also help to strengthen your voice and to clarify your message for the reader as needed.

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Special Project Editors

Below you’ll find editors who work with us on dedicated special projects.

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Below you will find a directory of the editors who currently work with Flatpage. You can browse them by name or by the service type they provide for our authors.

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