Learn how a few basic SEO strategies can help you improve the search rankings for your blog or business and increase your audience.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, but what does that really mean? Basically, SEO allows you to be found by search engines—and therefore by people who might actually buy your product or engage with your content. A good SEO strategy will help you to rank higher in organic search results and get more visitors to your blog or website.

But how do you get started? Really mastering SEO can take some time. This post discusses the fundamentals: why you should be using SEO, and a few basic SEO strategies even beginners can implement to improve their search ranking.

The Benefits of Using SEO

Why is SEO important? Can’t you just write what you want for your blog or website, and search engines will just find it? To a degree, yes! Creating great content is actually the secret to SEO. But there are strategies you can use to maximize your content’s potential. 

A good SEO strategy leads to better rankings for specific search terms. Higher search rankings mean that you don’t have to rely on paid ads to get people to visit your site, and that once they find you they’re more likely to become a customer or subscriber.

Your search rankings in Google are the ones you really need to focus on because it’s the search engine used for over 90 percent of all internet searches. The following strategies are specifically based on how Google ranks content.

SEO Strategies to Improve Your Search Rankings

Google rankings are important for increasing the number of visitors to your site. So how can you use SEO to move up in those rankings?

Optimize Your Content

Great content is really the key to SEO. That means creating share-worthy content that people spend some time engaging with and keep coming back to, which boosts your search rankings. But you can also utilize SEO content optimization, also known as on-page SEO.

Here a few ways to optimize your content:

Choose the Right SEO Keywords

Let’s talk a bit more about using keywords. How you use keywords impacts every other aspect of SEO, and most people don’t spend enough time on it.

Keyword research is the first step to finding great keywords. You want to figure out what terms your target audience searches for, and their search intent: Are they looking for information or to buy something? Very short and basic keywords will generate a lot of search results, but that means it’s easy for your content to get overlooked. 

You want to use more interesting and distinctive keywords, known as long-tail keywords. These generate results that are more useful for people searching for your unique content. For example, “budget travel” will turn up a high volume of search results, but “budget backpacking travel in Italy” is a long-tail keyword that will direct people to that specific content.

Begin your research by brainstorming some words and phrases that you think your audience might search for. Search for those terms on Google and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the related search results. These are terms related to your keywords that real people are using in their searches. You can also plug your keywords into a keyword research tool, which will generate more keywords that you may not think of on your own. 

Now, where do you put your keywords?

Create an SEO-Friendly URL

Your URL helps search engines know what your content is about, so it’s important to have one that’s SEO friendly. A URL should be short, keyword-rich, and descriptive: it should make sense in plain English and be relevant to the page content. Short, descriptive URLs also help people know what they’re clicking on. This leads to more time spent on the page, which in turn increases your Google rankings and social media shares. 

A few best practices for creating URLs for SEO:

Acquire Quality Backlinks

Once you’ve got your site up and running, you want to get other people to link to your content. This is known as a backlink. The more high-quality links you have, the better your backlink profile. A good backlink profile means that Google thinks you offer quality content and will rank it higher in search results.

The quality of a link is based on the authority of the page linking to you, the relevance of their content to yours, and whether it is an “editorially placed link”—someone linked to your site because they thought it was great, not just at random.

Acquiring backlinks takes some work, and there are many link-building techniques. If you’re ready, here’s a great beginner’s guide to link building


Fully mastering SEO takes time. These are just a few of the basic SEO strategies you can use to help more people find you and your business.

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